The Best Benefits Broker Tactics For Client Success

When you’re a benefits broker, you need to do everything in your power to ensure the success of your clients. After all, their success is your success—it reflects on your capabilities and sets a precedent that will attract new clients to you.

But delivering high-quality services that help your clients succeed isn’t always easy. This is especially the case in a business climate dominated by large players, where small and medium-sized benefits brokers can’t afford to make a wrong move.

In today’s blog post, we’ll outline a few of the vital tools and tactics every benefits broker needs in their arsenal to ensure their clients’ success.


Keep Your Clients Up To Date At All Times

Clear, frequent, and efficient communication with clients is the key ingredient for benefits broker success—and more importantly, the success of your clients. If you’re not on the same page, then their expectations will rarely match the delivery of your services. One of the best ways to ensure your client is up to date and on board is to be available on multiple communication channels, including various instant messaging services like Slack and Google Chat. If they always know how to contact you—and that you’re receptive to their communication—you will be in a better position to avoid disaster by addressing any problems before they escalate.


Schedule Regular Status Calls

In line with the previous point, make sure that you have set up regular status calls and check-ins with your client. This is a great way to ensure you’re up to date with the delivery and execution of your proposed benefits services, without having to rely on your clients to get in touch and inform you. Furthermore, by taking the initiative to schedule weekly or monthly calls, you’re demonstrating to your client that you take a proactive approach to your service delivery and genuinely have their best interests—and success—at heart.


Don’t Over Complicate Your Communication

Throughout all of your communication with your clients, make a concerted effort to use natural language that’s clear, direct, and easy to understand. There’s little point in selling them on brand new benefits offering if the tangible value is lost in a mire of legal jargon and small print. This is especially important for ensuring the program is communicated clearly to their employees. According to a recent study by the International Foundation of Employee Benefits Plans, approximately half of surveyed employees do not understand the benefits programs made available to them by their employer.


Strengthen Your Portfolio With The Best Voluntary Benefits Program

Lastly, one of the most effective tactics for ensuring client success is to bolster your portfolio with a voluntary benefits program that’s transparent, easy to use, and risk-free for employers. TrueConnect is a highly vetted and transparent voluntary benefits program that has a solid track record helping others in the marketplace. We exist to provide safe, affordable financial support to employees in need of a helping hand—serving as an alternative to predatory lending products.


If you would like to learn more about how TrueConnect’s services can help you guarantee success for your clients, get in touch and speak to one of our consultants. Otherwise, download our new Benefits Broker Survival Guide. It’s a great way to prepare for challenging situations you may face in your professional life as a benefits broker.


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