Payday Loans

8 Types of Predatory Lending Tactics Employees Should Know About

Predatory lending practices are becoming more and more prevalent throughout the U.S. This type of lending takes advantage of the borrower and benefits only the lender. Unfortunately, the practice of predatory lending is not always illegal. Still, it can leave borrowers with a ruined credit record, an unmanageable debt burden and is a leading cause

8 Types of Predatory Lending Tactics Employees Should Know About Read More »

Hidden Risks And Soaring Interest: The Real Cost of Payday Loans Revealed

It doesn’t matter what you earn, making ends meet is tough these days. According to CNBC and CareerBuilder, 78% of full-time employees live paycheck to paycheck, with 71% of US workers struggling with debt and many of them believing that they always will. Because monthly wages are being used to cover day-to-day expenses, there is little to nothing

Hidden Risks And Soaring Interest: The Real Cost of Payday Loans Revealed Read More »

Personal View: Why is payday lending still so strong in Ohio?

Crain’s Cleveland Business Five years ago, Ohio passed the most robust payday lending regulation in the country in response to the revelation that there were more payday lenders in Ohio than the three most common fast-food chains combined. The legislation was supposed to protect consumers from predatory lenders charging outrageous fees for small loans that

Personal View: Why is payday lending still so strong in Ohio? Read More »